Dermacos Harmless Facial Bold Activator 200g

Dermacos SKU: 5017002
Dermacos Harmless Facial Blond Activator 200g

Dermacos Harmless Facial Bold Activator 200g

Dermacos SKU: 5017002

It is a gentle blond activator formulated with Squalane a moisture binding component that works will all skin type. It is extremely gentle on skin. It repair damage skin during process, with quick lightening effect. Its wheat protein for silky smooth results. Dont use on wounded or porn skin. Always wash your hands before use. If its causing irritation stop use.

How to Use: It is same as Dermapure dust free. Pour dust free facial blond brightener powder into a non metallic bowl with Facial Blond Activator Peroxide at the ratio 1:2 and stir into rich creamy texture. Facial blond activator with shield factor adds to high condition and shine finish. Suitable for all degree of Blonding add additional developer if needed. Apply to desire areas and leave till 10 to 15 minutes or desire result time.

  • Shielded
  • Effective
  • Strengthening
  • Conditioning
  • Purifying

Manufactured By: M.S. Dermacos Laboratories International

Country of Origin: Product of UK

Product Weight:

   6.7 FL OZ (200 ML)
   16.90 FL OZ (500 ML)

Storage Instruction: Keep in cool and dry place.
Package: Bottle

Regular price Rs.325.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
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